

Leonardo Assicurazioni’s services speak all the languages of the world

Milan has always been a city open to exchange; its location and development have meant that many different languages are spoken in its streets. And from this wealth we have structured a service that is unique in the insurance industry.

Leonardo Assicurazioni’s International Service is made up of consultants from all over the world and aims to provide people from other countries with an interface that is easier to deal with.

Not only different languages, but also different cultures, habits, and lifestyles intersect within the service, and anyone, whatever his or her origin, can find an interlocutor with whom he or she can speak clearly and free of possible misunderstandings.

Many opportunities in a single touchpoint

Together with the consultants of the International Service you can access the World of Leonardo speaking your own language, accompanied by someone who truly knows the context you come from, understands your needs and also your timing.

International Service Advisors will introduce you to all the opportunities that Leonardo’s many services offer, guiding you with their expertise to make the right choices.

International Hub – Leonardo Assicurazioni

Cos’é International Hub ? Quante lingue si parlano ? Cosa cercano e cosa trovano i clienti ?

Ne abbiamo parlato con Jaime Alomia – Area Manager di Leonardo Assicurazioni – e Gisela Montes – Responsabile International Hub di Leonardo Assicurazioni – nell’intervista presso Spazio Leonardo.


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